Gaboardi products bear the surname of its founder Ulysses Gaboardi, son of Italian immigrants, born in the interior of the state of São Paulo in 1918. He began his professional career at the age of 18 years.

In 1957, she settled in the city of Herval D’Oeste, Santa Catarina, and founded her first match factory: Indústria de Fósforos Líder Ltda. In a difficult time, he himself took on a Homeric undertaking, that of setting up in a distant place, an uncommon industry – that of matches – whose initial production was almost entirely artisanal (3), competing already in this time, with large, technologically advanced and sophisticated multinational corporations.

In 1962, with the need for expansion, he found in the nearby city of Curitibanos, the ideal place to install his industry, because besides the central location within the state, the raw material, araucaria angustifolia (Brazilian pine) was abundant there.

Six years later, in 1968, it was sold to another fosforeira company that opted to close it. Thus a new opportunity arose and S / A FÓSFOROS GABOARDI was founded in the then district of São Cristóvão do Sul. It ended up becoming the locomotive and holding company of a solid group of companies that today form the GABOARDI GROUP.

Particularly aimed at his lumber business are:

Gaboardi Industrial de Madeiras Ltda., Manufacturer of toothpicks, skewers, laminates, clothes fasteners, articles for ice cream shop;
Gaboardi Exportadora de Madeiras Ltda., Manufacturer of panels, blanks, pinus elliottis frames for export (USA and EUROPE);
Agropastoril Gaboardi Ltda., Unit responsible for the production of raw materials.

By means of the forestation and reforestation, with deep and intense ecological conscience, it replenishes in quantity much superior to the one of the trees that extracts. Refusers araucaria angustifolia (Brazilian pine), pinus elliottis and taeda.

He is currently developing poplar research, importing seedlings from Argentina, and the first results were positive.

Gaboardi products have become a respected brand because of the seriousness of their work, which translates into the quality of what they produce, having expanded both nationally and in most South American countries.

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“We are a transforming group of wood from reforestation in products that make life easier, having creativity and quality as excellence. Seeking leadership and reference in the global market with sustainability “.


“Our mission is to offer wood and plastic artifacts in the home, food industrial, health and beauty line, loyalty to our customers, with a standard of quality, hygiene and safety demanded by consumers.”


“We believe in the suitability, ethics and transparency in all our activities, processes and commercial relations. We do not believe in any distinction of race, religion, sex, or political choice. We adopt a flexible approach to change and new ideas, with open and constructive communication. “

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Complaint Handling Policy: “We are committed to our customers’ perceptions of our products and our related processes, acting responsibly in the search for the necessary solutions to the complaints received, seeking agility in the responses according to the current legislation and requirements of the supervisory bodies. “

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